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cancelation  / rescheduling 

A 48 hour notice has to be given in order to reschedule your appointment, failure to do so will result in an automatic cancellation of your appointment and another non-refundable deposit will be required to schedule a new appointment, this applies to new and returning clients with NO EXCEPTIONS.


Reschedule can only be made once within 30 days from your appointment if there is availability. After 30 days a new deposit will be required to schedule a new appointment, this applies to new and returning clients with NO EXCEPTIONS.

If you decide to cancel your appointment your deposit will not be refunded, this applies to everyone with no exceptions. 



coming to your appointment

Please, make sure your hair is washed and blow dried straight for convenience or an extra $30 will apply for shampoo and blowout or you can request a shampoo and blowout prior to your appointment.

Please be on time for your appointment.  There is a 20 minutes grace period for both the stylist and client, after 20 minutes a $20 late fee will apply, after 20 minutes your appointment will be automatically cancelled and the deposit will not be refunded nor is it valid for a rescheduled.

Each time you refer a new client, you will receive a $10 discount on your next service.


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